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Wind turbine installation analysis
2018-07-09 16:32 100%

Wind turbine installation analysis

rozpoczęty ponad rok temu przez ClintBarton
I'm trying to analyze the forces of wind turbine in Fast v7. For that, I've tried to make a model with 120 degrees between them.
In the first try, I have just one file blade (blade.dat) in the slots of the primary file (.fst). In this case, when I tried to run.
On the second try, I've been trying to despise one of them decreasing its mass a lot. In this case, the issue was a mathematical problem, because the report does not have any valid value (NaN results).
My question is a wind turbine during its installation? (first at all with the tower, secondly one blade in different positions and finally two blades)
Please help. 
I did not find the right solution from the Internet. 
References: - 
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